You can't plan for everything
Having an understanding on tools available puts you more in control and in charge of the situation.
This book is to guide you through common mistakes most of us make because we failed to plan.
NOT SECURE WEBSITE - This is an HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) URL address not HTTPS address. (S = Secure or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure.)
Both have encryption and verification. The only difference between the two protocols is the HTTPS uses SSL to encrypt normal HTTP.
If this website was collecting funds then it would be converted to an HTTPS website.
Until then it is the company's way of encouraging us to purchase services, SSL, that we don't need yet, by stating "not a secure" site but it's fine since it is not collecting $.
Years of business experience: 40+
Years of education experience: 10+
Early 2024!
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Feel free to reach out by sending us a quick note on ideas, solutions, even challenges. Thank you in advance!
*Information4Solutions - currently updating, will be online by end of of 2023.
Strive to identify and solve possible challenges one might face as life happens.
Do reach out and let us know what has helped you!
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